Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The term CPM, CPC, CPA is what?

CPA Cost per action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising model where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, sign up to receive email ... ) concerning advertising.

Advertisers want to have verbally see CPA is optimally implement online marketing campaigns, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. An action can be a product being purchased, a registration form is complete, the desired action to be performed is determined by the advertiser. Radio and television stations also sometimes provide other forms of advertising cost per action basis, but this form of advertising is often called "per inquiry"

CPA can be determined by various factors, depending on where the ad position.

1. CPA is "Cost Per Acquisition"

CPA is sometimes called "Cost Per Acquisition") where the advertiser wants to achieve specific goals such as product sales. Use the "Cost Per Acquisition" instead of "Cost Per Action" is not inaccurate in such cases, but not all "cost per action" provided that can be called "Cost Per Acquisition ".

CPA calculation formula:
Calculate CPA = expenditure / x CTR x number of impressions CR. Let's say that in the 20,000 to show, you have 5% of clicks (CTR) to your landing page (website) and 30% of 5% this become a customer (CR):
$ 200 / [20,000 x 0.05 x .30] = $ 0.67 cost per customer has purchased the product.
CPC (Cost Per Click) - Advertising Pay per click. This form of advertising is really effective because it is directed to the right audience targeted customers interested in the products or services your company and the people who have real needs.
You'll only pay when customers click on your ad images. Depending on your daily budget for this form of advertising is much that the maximum number of clicks on your image. We will suggest to you the price per click is the most reasonable.

2. CPM "cost per 1000 impressions"
Cost per thousand impressions, often abbreviated to CPI or CPM is the phrase used in online marketing related to web traffic. Campaign where the advertiser pays for every ad displayed to a user usually in the form of a banner ad on a website, but can also refer to the ads in email advertising.
When an ad is downloaded by a user when viewing a website. A site may contain advertising and in such cases a page view will result is a show for every ad displayed to the user.
In order to calculate the number displayed correctly and prevent fraud, an ad server may exclude certain ineligible operations such as page refreshes or the actions of other users, including like display. When advertising rates are described as CPM or consumer price index, which is the amount paid for each thousand impressions eligible.
Cost per CPM is one of the marketing strategies most commonly used on the Internet along with the cost per click (CPC / PPC) and cost per action (CPA) (including CPL and CPS). Advertising CPM is generally preferred by the site because they can be sure of revenues, they will generate traffic to their website, but the CPM can be compared to different marketing strategies by cost-effective test for each (eCPM). eCPM notify the site what they would get if they sell ad placements on a CPM basis by relying on click-through rate (CTR) and / or the rate converter (CVR) of the campaign.

3. CPA "Cost Per Acquisition"

CPA Cost per action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising model where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, sign up to receive email ... ) concerning advertising.

Advertisers want to have verbally see CPA is optimally implement online marketing campaigns, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. An action can be a product being purchased, a registration form is complete, the desired action to be performed is determined by the advertiser. Radio and television stations also sometimes provide other forms of advertising cost per action basis, but this form of advertising is often called "per inquiry"

CPA can be determined by various factors, depending on where the ad position.

CPA is the "Cost Per Acquisition"

CPA is sometimes called "Cost Per Acquisition") tron ​​case the advertiser wants to achieve specific goals such as product sales. Use the "Cost Per Acquisition" instead of "Cost Per Action" is not inaccurate in such cases, but not all "cost per action" provided that can be called "Cost Per Acquisition ".
The formula calculates the CPA

Calculate CPA = expenditure / x CTR x number of impressions CR. Let's say that in the 20,000 to show, you have 5% of clicks (CTR) to your landing page (website) and 30% of 5% this become a customer (CR):

$ 200 / [20,000 x 0.05 x .30] = $ 0.67 cost per customer has purchased the product.